Thursday, October 24, 2024
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Mayor seeks public support in making city clean and green

Mayor seeks public support in making city clean and green

ISLAMABAD, JAN 29 (DNA) -: Cooperation of residents of Islamabad is a vital element in efforts to keep city neat and clean. Desired results from the Clean and Green campaign can only be achieved by ensuring the cooperation and practical involvement of residents in the campaign. These views were expressed by the Mayor of Islamabad Sheikh Anser Aziz while addressing the launching ceremony of Clean and Green Campaign at G-10 Markaz here on Tuesday.  On this occasion, elected Chairmen and councilors of different union councils of MCI and officers of concernedRead More

PTI Islamabad march may be rescheduled

Islamabad march

ISLAMABAD, OCT 13(DNA). Pakistani Tehreek Insaf (PTI) is seriously thinking to change the date of the Islamabad march as many party leaders think Sunday is not a suitable day for march. The matter is now taken to the core committee of PTI which would decide about the change of the date of Islamabad march. It may be mentioned here that PTI had given a call for Islamabad march to mount pressure on prime minister Nawaz Sharif to announce a commission that will investigate Panama issue. The prime minister on theRead More

Brahmaputra dam not to affect India, says China

Brahmaputra dam not to affect India, says China

China on Saturday sought to allay Indian apprehensions over the construction of a dam on the Brahmaputra river, saying there would be no negative impact on areas downstream, Indian media reported. Earlier this month, China blocked a tributary of the Brahmaputra river as part of a major hydroelectric project whose construction began in 2014, days after reports that India was considering expediting hydropower projects on the Indus river in order to put pressure on Pakistan. China’s move was seen as a warning to New Delhi against moving too far in theRead More

Mayor cancels sanitation workers’ Eid leaves to ensure cleanliness

CDA swepers remain on duty on Eid

ISLAMABAD, 04 JULY, (DNA) – To keep the Federal Capital clean, leaves of the staff of Sanitation Directorate has been cancelled on the eve of Eid-ul-Fitr by the Mayor of Metropolitan, Shiekh Ansar Aziz. He directed the all formations to ensure the Islamabad neat and clean and to maintain it during the Eid-ul-Fitr, along with the provision of uninterrupted supply of water and other allied facilities to the residents of the city. Mayor also directed the concerned formations to deploy the sanitation staff for cleaning the city during the Eid-ul-FitrRead More

Stay of Afghan refugees in Pakistan extended for six more months

PTI files petition in NAB against Nawaz for corruption

ISLAMABAD, 29 JUNE (DNA) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has directed Ministry of Foreign Affairs and States & Frontier Regions Division to immediately engage with UNHCR and the government of Afghanistan for gradual relocation of refugee camps in Pakistan to Afghanistan. According to a press release issued by the Prime Minister House, it is stated, the stay of POR card holders Afghan refugees shall be extended for a further period of six months only, till 31st December, 2016; and, In order to facilitate relocation and as a gesture of continuedRead More

US Pakistan F-16 deal and the rut of history

By Adnan Yousaf  US-Pakistan F-16 deal expired when United States refused to hand over eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan at the subsidised rate of $270 million and asked Pakistan to make the full payment for the aircraft from its national resources. Though Pakistan was in dire need of these aircraft for counter-terrorism operations, it chose not to pay $699 million for the aircraft which were previously financed through the US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) programme partially. And US, despite of knowing Pakistan’s need for these jets in the ongoing warRead More