Lashkar-e-Islam Chief Mangal Bagh killed in US drone strike

KABUL: Notorious militant commander and head of defunct Lashkar-e-Islam Chief Mangal Bagh has been killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan Nangarhar’s province, Afghan media reported on Sunday. The Pakistan government had fixed Rs 20 million bounty on his head. The death has been confirmed by intelligence agencies and the government officials. Bagh was head of the banned Lashkar-e-Islam organisation. He was wanted by Pakistani security forces for involvement in a number of terrorist activities. He was injured in a drone strike that took place on the night of July 22Read More
US Pakistan F-16 deal and the rut of history

By Adnan Yousaf US-Pakistan F-16 deal expired when United States refused to hand over eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan at the subsidised rate of $270 million and asked Pakistan to make the full payment for the aircraft from its national resources. Though Pakistan was in dire need of these aircraft for counter-terrorism operations, it chose not to pay $699 million for the aircraft which were previously financed through the US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) programme partially. And US, despite of knowing Pakistan’s need for these jets in the ongoing warRead More