Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Rangers arrest MQM London leader Dr Hasan Zafar Arif

Rangers arrest MQM London leader Dr Hasan Zafar Arif

The Rangers on Saturday took into custody Professor Dr Hasan Zafar Arif of the London-based Muttahida Qaumi Movement. Dr Hasan Zafar Arif was taken into custody outside the Karachi Press Club where he was due to address a press conference. Before he arrived at the press club’s premises, a large number of Rangers personnel had taken positions in the surrounding area and were checking the vehicles that were passing by. He was taken into custody before he could enter the press club. He was taken in a Rangers mobile vanRead More

Saulat Mirza hanged at Machh Jail

QUETTA, 12 MAY, (DNA) – Convicted murderer Saulat Mirza was hanged to death in the early hours of Tuesday at Balochistan’s Machh Jail. Mirza’s body was shifted from Machh Jail to the Edhi morgue in Quetta. Eighteen family members accompanied his body from Machh to Quetta. His body will be flown to Karachi in the evening today (Tuesday). Mirza had been on death row for nearly 17 years. Sentenced to death in 1999, Mirza was initially scheduled to be executed on March 19 this year after Pakistan lifted its moratoriumRead More