Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Indian Minister’s statement confirms assertions abt RAW: Asif

ISLAMABAD: Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said here on Sunday that his Indian counterpart’s recent statement about sponsoring terrorism to counter terrorism had confirmed “our assertions of Indian involvement in terrorist activities on Pakistani soil”.

He said the statement of Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar was a blatant admission of sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan.

The Indian minister, he said, had categorically stated that rules would not be followed to quell terrorist activities; instead terrorism would be promoted for the purpose.

“This is the worst kind of declaration by a state functionary of cabinet level which confirms that India is sponsoring terrorism against its neighbours in the name of preventing terrorist activities,” the minister said in a statement.

On Saturday, Minister for Information Pervaiz Rashid had said Mr Parrikar’s statement was dangerous for regional peace and exposed Indian designs.

World needs peace, but India is talking of using terrorists.

Mr Rashid said in a statement that India was practising the worst kind of state terrorism in occupied Kashmir. Representatives of human rights organisations were not being allowed to visit the occupied valley, he added.

He said: “World needs peace, progress and prosperity and international powers should play their role in this regard.”


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