Thursday, January 16, 2025
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Fairy tales and postage stamps of SCO member states are published


BEIJING: As part of the activities to mark the 20thanniversary of the Shanghai Organization,The SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Tashkent, published the collections “Eighty-Eight Tales of the Eight Nations” and “Countless Proverbs of the Eight Nations”.

These include the most ancient sayings and wisdoms of the legends of Indian, Kazakh, Chinese, Kyrgyz, Pakistani, Russian, Tajik, and Uzbek. The collections were prepared under the guidance of Zuhriddin Isomutdinov, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

A souvenir album “Postage Stamps of SCO Countries” showing national symbols, historical and cultural heritage of the SCO Member States was also published.

The Director of the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Tashkent, Mr. Kabuljon Sobirov emphasized that the publications are designed to familiarize the citizens of Uzbekistan and foreign countries about the spiritual heritage of great thinkers and outstanding personalities of SCO nationsas well as to disseminate knowledge about their historical role and invaluable contribution to the development of world civilization and history of human development.

Isomidiyinov Z. notes that the collection of “Eighty-Eight Tales of the Eight Nations” contains 11 tales of the peoples of each Member State.

Tales of the peoples of the SCO Member States, like all the peoples of the world, are based on the ideas of the inevitability of victory of good over evil and the triumph of nobility over baseness and praise the ideals of honest and faithful people who, despite all difficulties and hardships, achieved their noble goals.

The book states that the fairy tale is the oldest form of human thought and the largest folklore genre. At the same time, every nation has dozens of other genres of valuable verbal art. In this regard, publishers, through the artistic translation of the finest literary works, which is a kind of “golden bridge” to bring peoples and cultures together with the intension to continue their work in this direction in the name of strengthening the “Shanghai spirit.

In the collection “Countless Proverbs of the Eight Nations” is noted that in a globalized world, the key to peaceful coexistence of different nations, ethnicities and religions is the development of intercultural dialogue through the universal values embedded in proverbs and sayings. It is impossible to put proverbs and sayings of one nation in one book. This book is an attempt to collect a bouquet of wisdom from half of humanity.

The editorial board of the Center is currently preparing a collection of “Eighty Great Thinkers of Eight Nations”, which is expected to be presented to the public in late March 2021.

The SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan was established in 2018 to promote cultural and humanitarian cooperation within the organization. The center is an effective tool of public diplomacy and makes a significant contribution to the rapprochement and strengthening of the peoples of the SCO countries.

In the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №4735 of January 17, 2019 to support the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization People’s Diplomacy Center in Uzbekistan was tasked to publish a “Collection of Tales of SCO Countries”, “Collection of Proverbs of SCO Countries” and publication of the book “The Great Thinkers and Scientists of SCO Countries”.

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