Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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Afghan President Ghani likely to visit Pakistan

KABUL, OCT 07 (DNA): Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani is expected to visit Pakistan in the near future amid reports the visit will take place on invitation of Pakistani Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

The Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan Hazrat Omar has told news outlets in Afghanistan and Pakistan that the President Ghani was invited to Pakistan by Gen. Bajwa during his meeting with the Afghan leader in Kabul last week, the Afghan media reported Saturday.

Zakhilwal has further added that President Ghani has accepted the invitation by the Pakistani military chief. It is yet not clear when the visit scheduled to take place with the Afghan government yet to comment regarding the visit.

Gen. Bajwa, accompanied by a delegation of high level Pakistan officials, last week arrived in Kabul to meet with the Afghan officials.

The Afghan and Pakistani officials have agreed to improve relations and bilateral cooperation for regional peace and stability during Gen. Bajwa’s visit to Kabul.

President Ghani on Thursday once again called on Pakistan to intensify the state-to-state dialogue in a bid to help secure regional peace and stability.

Speaking during a meeting of the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) in Kabul, President Ghai said “I call, once again on Pakistan to intensify the state-to-state dialogue with us to secure regional peace and security.”

He also called on Taliban to join peace process and said “The successful peace agreement with Hezb-e-Islami should demonstrate to Taliban groups that we have the capacity and the political will to enter and successfully conclude an intra-Afghan dialogue.”=DNA


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