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Monday, July 25th, 2016


Young people want more action to protect nature, poll shows

Young people want more action to protect nature

LONDON: Almost nine out of 10 young people think it is important for politicians to take care of wildlife and the environment and nature, polling shows. And two-thirds of 16 to 34-year-olds agree the environment is a top voting priority for them, the survey of 1,000 people of all ages by CensusWide revealed. The findings come as a report written by young environmental campaigners calls on the Government to take a series of steps to ensure nature is flourishing by 2050 and beyond.+1 The report, written by the group ARead More

Parliamentary committee finalises nominations for ECP members

ISLAMABAD: A parliamentary committee during a meeting on Monday finalised four names for appointment as members of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). The parliamentary committee formed to appoint the chief election commissioner and ECP members nominated Justice retd. Shakeel Ahmed Baloch as the ECP member from Balochistan, retired federal secretary Abdul Ghaffar Soomro from Sindh, Justice retd. (Mst) Irshad Qaiser from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Justice retd. Altaf Ibrahmi Qureshi from Punjab, Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid told media personnel on Monday. Awami National Party Senator Daud Khan Achakzai abstainedRead More

Rajnath, Mehbooba ask Pakistan not to encourage Kashmiri youth to take up arms

Pakistan is asked not to encourage Kashmiri to take up arms

SRINAGAR: Indian home minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday gave a strong message to Pakistan, saying no interference will be tolerated from the neighbour in India’s internal matters. Asking Islamabad to restrain from encouraging Kashmiri youth to take up arms, he said, “You are yourself affected by terrorism. On one hand, you (Pakistan) storm the Lal Masjid to kill terrorists, but on the other, you appeal to Kashmiri youth to take up arms,” said Singh, who was on a two-day visit to the Valley. He added, “Pakistan’s role isn’t ‘pak’ (pure) in relation to Kashmir. They need to changeRead More

Bollywood’s Salman Khan freed in poaching case

Salman Khan freed in poaching case

JODHPUR: An Indian court on Monday acquitted Bollywood superstar Salman Khan of killing protected wildlife 18 years ago, ending the latest long-running case against the actor. Khan was convicted in 2006 of hunting rare gazelles while he was shooting a film in the northern state of Rajasthan eight years earlier. He was sentenced to one and five years in jail for two separate cases of shooting the animals, but the actor has filed appeals that have kept him from serving the stints. High Court judge Nirmaljit Kaur cleared the actorRead More

PPP decided to send Sain Qaim home at last

CM Sindh Sain Qaim

DUBAI: In a surprising move, the top leadership of the Pakistan Peoples Party decided on Sunday to replace the octogenarian Chief Minister of Sindh, Syed Qaim Ali Shah, with a relatively young man to what many believe face tough challenges ahead. Mr Shah — a third-time chief minister — had gone to Dubai on Saturday to attend a meeting convened by PPP co-chairman and former president Asif Ali Zardari for primarily discussing and finalising a decision on expanding the scope of special policing powers of Rangers to the whole ofRead More