Saturday, July 27, 2024
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CEO Serena Hotels Aziz Boolani Decorated with Sitara-i-Imtiaz


Aziz Boolani, CEO Serena Hotels South Asia has been awarded with prestigious Sitara-i-Imtiaz by the President of Pakistan. It is the third highest civilian award in Pakistan! It recognizes individuals who have made an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of Pakistan, world peace, cultural or other significant public endeavours. We are tremendously proud of Aziz Boolani who richly deserved this award and recognition.
There is no second opinion that under the leadership of Aziz Boolani, Serena Hotels have further prospered and strengthened their credentials besides fetching more and more cliental. Ostensibly, the quality of services and better customer care are factors that have contributed greatly towards swelling of Serena Hotels businesses, however one has to admit that various initiatives that Mr. Boolani spearheaded as Serena Hotels corporate social responsibility, have undoubtedly yielded very positive results.
Serena Hotels Sports Diplomacy is particularly an initiative that has not only been appreciated by the diplomatic community but people at large also for this platform provides particularly the youth with an opportunity of utilizing and further polishing their skills. It is because of this platform that mountaineers Mirza Ali and Samina Baig who recently conquered Mount Everest and achieved world fame and recognition. They were first introduced to Pakistani people from the platform of Serena Hotels Sports Diplomacy and since then Serena Hotels has held a number of functions to bring to spot light the outstanding achievements of the siblings.
Likewise, Aziz Boolani and his wife’s work in the field of charity also needs fulsome applause. Serena Hotels, during past few years have managed huge number of funds for various organizations that are wholly committed for the welfare of humanity. Serena Hotels recently arranged some music shows also in collaboration with embassies of Hungary and European Union. The remarkable aspect of these shows was that ambassadors of Bosnia, Denmark, Japan and Australia formed a band which performed to support the cause of the suffering humanity. These envoys must also be greatly appreciated who, despite their busy schedules, have devoted a lot of time and effort for the needy people of Pakistan and are always eager to perform for this noble cause.
While Serena Hotels’ role in promotion of hotel industry in Pakistan and elsewhere is of course laudable, their initiatives in social as well as humanitarian sector are greatly helping the have-nots. This humanitarian work is not merely restricted to Pakistan, but a host of other initiatives have been executed from the platform of Serena Hotels South and East Asia in other countries also.
The driving force indeed behind all these initiatives is the magnanimous personality of Aziz Boolani, who one can confidently expect to continue to render significant services on personal level and as part of the social responsibility of the private sector. Surely, social services by the private sector like those of the Serena Hotels, under Aziz Boolani, are a high precedent that are worth emulating since they shoulder in part the burden of the government.

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