Saturday, September 28, 2024
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High risk of stroke in young people linked to lifestyle factors

risk of stroke among young

Globally, the risk of stroke among young and middle-aged people has significantly increased over the past ten years, according to a new American study.

The main risk factors for stroke, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), are physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. The study goes on to say that these factors, together with lifestyle decisions, have led to increased rates of stroke among younger people.

Unexpected numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body, is a common stroke symptom. Additional symptoms include disorientation, difficulties speaking or hearing, issues with one or both eyes’ vision, trouble walking, loss of balance, and severe headaches that have no apparent reason.

American experts examined demographics and stroke rates by analyzing data from thousands of people in different states. According to the study’s findings, younger people now have a 15% higher risk of stroke than they had ten years ago. Strokes have been documented to occur in people as young as 18 years old, which is a significant change from previous trends where strokes were more common in older people.

Experts link this shift to several lifestyle and health-related issues, such as poor eating habits, inactivity, and elevated stress levels. To reduce the risk of stroke, they advise people especially younger adults to lead better lifestyles.

Important preventive measures include regular exercise, a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, regular check-ups with the doctor, and stress management.

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