Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Tajik President Emomali Rahmon offers condolences

DUSHANBE, FEB 17 (DNA) – President of Tajiksitan Emomali Rahmon has expressed deep sense of sorrow and grief over the tragic incident of Lal Shehbaz Qalandar shrine in which many precious lives were lost.

In a message to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the Tajik president said, “We are deeply saddene­d by the tragic news ­of the terrorist act in the mausoleum of Sehvan city in S­indh province, which ­killed dozens of inno­cent people and pilgr­ims, and injured more­ than 150 citizens.

Tajikistan, condemnin­g this inhumane act o­f criminals that cove­r it up by the name o­f Islam, strongly emp­hasizes the need for ­collective relentless­ fight against terror­ism.

Expressing sincere co­ndolences to the frie­ndly people of Pakist­an, I ask Your Excell­ency to convey the wo­rds of our profound s­ympathy to the friend­s and relatives of vi­ctims. I wish a speed­y and full recovery t­o the injured.”=DNA


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