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Rangers capture five RAW-affiliated militants in Karachi


KARACHI, APR 12, (DNA) – : The paramilitary force has apprehended five ‘hardened militants’ in an anti-terror operation conducted on a tip-off in Mawach Goth area, saving the city from “massive destruction”, said Colonel Qaiser of Sindh Rangers during a press briefing here.

The colonel said we had an intelligence reports that operatives of al-Qaeda Sub-continent had entered the city.

The Rangers launched an operation after the tip-off and arrested five terrorists, besides seizing 8-kg of explosives, one suicide vest and four ball bombs.

He said the terrorists were handled by India’s spy agency Research Analysis Wing (RAW) and Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS).

The arrested terrorists include Tahir Zaman aka Boxer, Javed Swati and Muhammad Nawaz. He informed that Zaman had obtained training in Afghanistan to carry out attacks in Pakistan.

He added that another terrorist Nawaz was later inducted by al-Qaeda and he was expert in making improvised explosive devices.

“Terrorist Nawaz also provided his accomplice Swati medical assistance on several occasions, underlined the colonel.”

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