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Outgoing Ambassadors of Argentina, Sweden call on President

ISLAMABAD, 22 MAR (DNA) – The outgoing Ambassadors of Argentina and Sweden called on President Mamnoon Hussain in Islamabad on Tuesday.The President lauded the services of the outgoing ambassadors for further deepening friendly relations between Pakistan and their respective countries.While talking to the outgoing Argentinean ambassador Mr. Rodolfo J. Martin Saravia the President noted that 2016 marks the 65th year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Argentina as it provides an opportunity to further upgrade bilateral relationship in various areas of cooperation. “This important occasion can be utilized for exchange of high-level visits between Pakistan and Argentina in order to layout the future direction and course of action to give a fresh impetus to bilateral relations”, said the President.

The President called for promoting more people to people contact, exchange of business, cultural and parliamentary delegations between Argentina and Pakistan to further cement bilateral relations. The President called for enhancing cooperation in the field of education and establishment of linkages between the educational institutions of the two countries.

The President stated that Pakistan has great potential and talent in the sports of football and hoped that Argentina would extend professional expertise and training to Pakistani football players to further improve the standard of the game in the country

While talking to the outgoing Ambassador of Sweden Mr. Tomas Rosander said that immense possibilities are emerging with the construction of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the world should take benefit from these opportunities. The President outgoing Swedish Ambassador to present recommendations to their respective governments on how to take benefit from new opportunities for investment in Pakistan.

The President stated that effective action is continuing against terrorism and extremism and hoped that the law and order situation in Pakistan would greatly improve in the coming future with which internal and external investment will be secured and the business environment in Pakistan would further improve.

The President called for taking benefit from business and investment friendly policies of Pakistan. In his meeting with the Swedish Ambassador the President observed that several Pakistani students go to Western countries to acquire education but recently it has become difficult for them to afford education in these countries due to an increase in tuition fees.

President Mamnoon said that these countries should reduce their fees for students belonging to low income families particularly for Pakistani students.President Mamnoon commended Mr. Rodolfo J. Martin Saravia and Mr. Tomas Rosander for their services and expressed best wishes for their future endeavors DNA


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