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Mushahidullah resigns after controversial interview

ISLAMABAD, Aug 15 (DNA): Federal Minister for Climate Change Mushahidullah Khan Saturday tendered his resignation after a controversial interview with the BBC drew severe criticism.A resignation came a day after he alleged the former ISI chief Zaheerul Islam Abbasi of seeking to seize power by toppling civil and military leaderships.He claimed the former ISI boss hatched a conspiracy during the sit-in protests by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Awami Tehreek in Islamabad last year, adding Lt. General (rted.) Abbasi sought a coup by overthrowing the elected government and Army Chief General Raheel Sharif’s command.He claimed that the conspiracy was aborted when the Intelligence Bureau, a civilian spy agency, tapped the telephonic conversation of the former ISI boss, who was heard issuing directives to spread anarchy during the sit-ins and to occupy the PM House.

The minister also claimed that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met General Raheel Sharif and played the recording of the alleged conversation before him. On hearing the tape, General Raheel immediately called for Gen Zaheerul Islam and sought him to verify the voice on the tape.

After Zaheerul Islam averred that it was his voice, Gen Sharif told him to immediately depart from there.

However, the Prime Minister House refuted the claim by Mushahidullah and said PM Sharif has no knowledge of such a tape and no such tape was presented to anyone whosoever.

According to PML-N leader, the conspiracy was meant to unleash massive destruction on national political horizons. He said the conspiracy was meant against not only Nawaz Sharif but also Army Chief.

Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) rejected Mushahidullah’s claims as unfounded.

ISPR Chief Major-General Asim Bajwa expressed strong disapproval over PML-N leader’s assertion and said the reports regarding any audiotape are quite baseless. DNA

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