Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Remarks on Reconciliation Process in Afghanistan

Q: Recent days have seen terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, and various parties are questioning the reconciliation process. How does China comment on this?A: The Chinese side has always stood for the “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned” reconciliation process, believing that the peace talk is the realistic way out to solve the Afghanistan issue. China encourages and supports the peace talk between the Afghan government and the Taliban, and commends the important role in pushing forward the peace talk played by the relevant parties and Pakistan in particular. It is hoped that all parties would stick to the right direction, build up confidence and determination on the peace talk, and make continuous efforts to achieve lasting peace in Afghanistan. The Chinese side is ready to cooperate closely with all parties, and continue to play a constructive role in realizing broad-based and inclusive peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan.

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