Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Hillary to win US election, predicts Hina Khar

LAHORE: Former foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar thinks Hillary Clinton will win the United States presidential election as she is considered more suitable, respected, experienced and sensible candidate for the slot, not only in the US but also in other countries of the world.

Donald Trump will lose the election because of his extremism and hatred towards other religious communities—particularly the Muslims, she has predicted.

“Though the contest for the US presidential elections appears to be neck and neck between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I am of the view that Ms Clinton will win. I as well as others think of success of Hillary as good, not only for the US but also for other countries, including Pakistan,” Ms Khar said while speaking at a discussion in the Beaconhouse Group’s three-day festival, ‘A World of Tomorrow: Seeking Inspiration and Equilibrium in a New Age’ at a local club here on Saturday. The discussion was moderated by FS Aijazuddin.

Says govt shouldn’t create impression regional countries, US oppose CPEC

Ms Khar said Hillary knew about dynamics of Pakistan better than Trump.

She termed Pak-China relations excellent as always which had resulted in the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

“It is really a good thing and support as it will build a huge infrastructure in Pakistan.

“But the current Pakistan government shouldn’t create the impression or narrative that the US, India, Afghanistan, Iran, etc are against this project rather it should focus on its timely completion with transparency.”

Talking about Pak-India relations and the prevailing tension, Ms Khar was of the view that Pakistan’s foreign policy on India was very clear.

“We have a reactive foreign policy on India. And it only means to show the world that what India is doing and what we (are doing). Our policy has proved successful,” she said.

Hina Khar blamed the sitting government for not presenting the Kashmir issue well as it should have done in a professional way. She termed Indian propaganda of pushing Pakistan into isolation ridiculous.

“Propagating for isolating Pakistan by India is really ridiculous as it can never be done since our country is a sovereign and responsible state.”

Hina said it had been our foreign policy that Pakistan should always be less hostile than India.

About Pak-Russia relations, the former minister said she, as the foreign minister of Pakistan, had participated in two major interactions with the Russia in Moscow.

“These interactive sessions/meetings were really wonderful as I felt both Pakistan and Russia were on the same page on various bilateral issues like they were never before.”

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