Sunday, September 1, 2024
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APS shuhada sacrifices will not go waster: COAS

A ceremony was held at APS Peshawar today to pay homage to the martyrs of APS tragedy. General Qamar Javed Bajwa, COAS was the chief guest on the occasion who laid a floral wreath at the martyrs monument and offered Fateha for the departed souls.

Later he joined the families of shuhada, large gathering of locals, school children and staff for Quran Khawani within school premises. Speaking on the occasion COAS said that the terror attack on innocent children of The school was an attack on the humanity and the most painful and unforgettable moment in our history. We will never forget our children and thousands others who sacrificed in our fight against terrorism. While Our heart goes with all affected families, I personally draw my motivation from this huge sacrifice. Expressing his sentiments, General Qamar Javed Bajwa said he shared grief of all affected families as as a father and a brother”.

Terrorists tried to demoralize the nation and armed forces by attacking the softest target. My message to enemies of our country is that our resolve is unflinching and we will chase these savages to their last bastion and will not rest till their total elimination from every nook and corner of the motherland, COAS emphasised.

He assured the parents of Shaheed Children that armed forces alongwith whole nation stand shoulder to shoulder with them during these testing times. COAS said we are trying our best to render all necessary assistance to the next of Kins of Shuhada and we will continue our efforts. He said education is a prerequsite for progress of any nation and army will continue to contribute towards provision of quality education . Armed forces are guarantor of defence of the country and we will not leave any stone unturned to fulfil our duty. Earlier on arrival, he was received by Lt Gen Hidayat ur Rehman, Comd of Peshawar Corps.

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