Coronovirus and how to cure it- some tips
Prof. Dr. Nusrat Ara Majeed
There is a -growing misconception that virus is loosing virulence—–it is not true -only better understanding of pathogenesis has resulted in better survival of the patients Today in JUNE_JULY we know the disease much better . In feb. 2020 it was anew disease [ novel]. there are 5 important facts that we understand better than 4 months ago.
The year 2020 began with usual new year celebrations all
over the world —and we heard CORONA coming as an epidemic
in China and soon became PANDEMIC and it is ENDEMIC i.e we
have to live with it.
It is a LATIN word ,meaning CROWN or WREATH, itself a
borrowing from Greek KORONE; Garland ,wreath’
The name refers to the characteristic appearance of
Virions[the infective form of Virus] which have a fringe of
large, bulbous surface projections -this morphology is created
by viral spikes,which are proteins at the surface of virus
-So people realized the importance of frequent hand washing
for at least 20 seconds , because soap breaks down the
protein hence virrus looes its virulence
Infected carriers shed virus into environment-It is transmitted
from one host to another either by AEROSOL, Formite or
feco-oral route.
There is a -growing misconception that virus is loosing
virulence—–it is not true -only better understanding of
pathogenesis has resulted in better survival of the patients
Today in JUNE_JULY we know the disease much better . In
feb. 2020 it was anew disease [ novel]. there are 5 important
facts that we understand better than 4 months ago
1-Initially pneumonia was the cause of death so breathing was
a major symptom and ventilators were the best way to treat
but now we understand that virus causes BLOOD CLOTS in the
blood vessels of the lungs and other parts of the body.
This led to the use of blood thinners and hence better
2-Initially many would drop dead on the roads because of
HAPPY HYPOXIA [ covid patients with falling oxygen levels did
not have symptoms till it became critically low ] so the
patients reached the hospital late resulting in high mortality
but now by advocating home monitoring of oxygen by PULSE
OXYMETER has resulted in better survival as the doctors now
have more time to correct Hypoxia
3-We now have medicines like FAVIPRIVIR and REMDESIVIR -these
are given before the patients develops hypoxia
4–many died due to patient,s immune system responding in an
exeggarated manner-which not only killed the virus but also
proves fatal for the patient
in Feb.2020 doctors did not know how to prevent it-but
today we know that STEROIDS can be used to prevent this
exeggarated response
5-We understand that patient becomes better by lying on
his own belly[ prone position]
The latest discovery that a chemical released by patients
white cells can cause microclots in the blood vessels can be
prevented by a very common drug COLCHICINE used to
treat GOUT.
So the countries which imposed strict lockdown during initial
three months were able to save many lives.
So getting infected at a later stage better outcome due to
above mentioned facts.
We must follow S.O.Ps to combat the problem -BOOSTING
immunity is very important –
Mango is full of immunity boosting minerals and vitamins. To
enjoy it even better I recommend MANGO SALSA -it can be
taken either as Salad or even a meal
How do we prepare Salsa
Cut mango pulp in pieces of 1 to 2 inches -add one
Medium sized chopped onion
2 chopped green chillies , black pepper and finally lemon juice
Hope you will try the recipe .
Prof. Dr. Nusrat Ara Majeed is a consultant cardiologist.
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