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Saturday, October 23rd, 2021


Turkey’s Erdoğan orders 10 ambassadors declared ‘persona non grata’ over calls on Kavala case

ANKARA, OCT 23: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Saturday he had ordered the foreign ministry to declare 10 ambassadors — including from the United States, Germany and France — ‘persona non grata‘ for calling for the release of jailed businessman Osman Kavala. “I gave the necessary order to our foreign minister and said what must be done: these 10 ambassadors must be declared persona non grata at once. You will sort it out immediately,” Erdoğan said in a speech to a crowd in northwest Turkey’s Eskişehir. “This is Turkey. This is not a tribal state you think it is!” Erdoğan said,Read More

6 Terrorists including BLA Commander killed during IBO: ISPR

RAWALPINDI, OCT 23: On confirmed presence of Terrorists in a Hideout near Jamboro, Harnai, Balochistan, Security Forces conducted IBO  in the area to apprehend a group of externally sponsored  terrorists working against peace in Balochistan. As soon as troops cordoned the area, Terrorists tried to flee from the hideout and opened indiscriminate fire. A heavy exchange of fire with terrorists continued for a long time. Resultantly, 6  Terrorists including BLA Commander Tariq Alias Nasir got killed. A large cache of arms and ammunition recovered from the hideout. Such IBOs  toRead More

U.S. nuclear envoy visits S.Korea amid N.Korea missile tension, stalled talks

WASHINGTON, OCT 23: The U.S. envoy for North Korea arrived in South Korea on Saturday amid stalled denuclearisation talks and tension over Pyongyang’s recent missile tests. Special Representative Sung Kim’s visit came days after North Korea fired a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which prompted criticism from Washington and calls for a return to talks aimed at denuclearising the North in return for U.S. sanctions relief. Kim, after talks in Washington with South Korean and Japanese counterparts on Tuesday, urged North Korea “to refrain from further provocations and engage in sustained and substantive dialogue.” Pyongyang soRead More

Roads in Lahore open up for traffic as TLP begins march to Islamabad

LAHORE, OCT 23: All roads in Lahore were opened for traffic on Saturday evening, according to the city’s deputy commissioner (DC), as the protest march by the banned Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) moved outside the city’s limits on its way to Islamabad Lahore DC Umer Sher Chattha said all roads in the city were open for traffic and the Metro bus service had partially resumed from Gajju Matta to Mao college. In a statement issued by his office, the DC said he had toured various places in the city to reviewRead More

Khursheed Shah released from Sukkur jail after 25 months

SUKKUR, Oct 23 (DNA): Days after Supreme Court of Pakistan granted bailto Khursheed Shah in the assets beyond means case, the Pakistan Peoples’Party (PPP) senior leader has been released from Sukkur jail after 25months detention from National Accountability Bureau (NAB). The PPP stalwart was released after an accountability court verified theSupreme Court’s order for his bail. The Supreme Court of Pakistan accepted the PPP leader’s bail in theassets beyond sources of income case a day ago and directed him tosubmit bonds worth Rs10 million as the surety. Giving the bail,Read More

PM Imran Khan lands barefoot in Madinah

JEDDAH, Oct 23 (DNA): Prime Minister Imran Khan has reached Madinahwhere he would pay his respects at Masjid e Nabwi (SAW) during histhree-day visit to Saudi Arabia to attend the ‘Middle East GreenInitiative (MGI) Summit’ being held in Riyadh. Accompanied by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Energy MinisterHammad Azhar and other members of his cabinet, the barefoot PrimeMinister Imran Khan was welcomed at the Madinah airport by its GovernorShah Faisal bin Salman and Pakistan’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia BilalAkber. The prime minister would pay his respects at the Masjid eRead More