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Wednesday, August 26th, 2020


COVID-19 and the problem faced by the Higher Education System in Pakistan

By Lieutenant Colonel Khalid Taimur Akram (Retd), Executive Director, Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is an issue of international concern that has inflicted disastrous impacts on lives and institutions across the globe. From global disruption in production to a new era of work and study from home, the virus has caused severe socioeconomic chaos resulting in the postponement and cancellation of sports religious, political, and cultural activities in many countries.   The education sector is the worst affected and is stillRead More

Qasim plant safely operates for 1000 days

ISLAMABAD, August 26 (DNA): Qasim Coal Fired Power Plant has been safely operating for 1000 days since the first unit was put into operation without any major safety accident. Gwadar Pro reported on Wednesday that in the past 1000 days as per the position on August 19, Qasim project has cumulatively generated more than 22.5 billion KWH of electricity, including 6.036 billion KWH in 2020. The stable and reliable electricity production for national power grid has a positive influence on the adjustment of domestic energy structure. Meanwhile, it also greatlyRead More

Govt to issue tender for ML-1 project this month: Sheikh Rasheed

RAWALPINDI : Federal Minister for Railways Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed on Thursday said that the tender for ML-1 railway project will be issued by the end of this month. Addressing a ceremony in Rawalpindi on Wednesday, he said railway tracks are going to be updated in the country after 150 years. The minister gave credit of ML-1 project to Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa.”Previous governments did not take any steps to improve railways.” Later talking to the media, Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed said theRead More

Opposition spreading despondency, chaos to escape accountability: Shibli Faraz

ISLAMABAD: Taking on the opposition parties, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz said that the opposition is trying to spread despondency and chaos in the country to escape accountability. In a tweet, he said, opposing the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) draft law is tantamount to giving personal interest priority to the national interest. The minister said the opposition leaders are worried to protect “criminal rights,” not human rights, and they are destined to face failure. It may be noted that opposition had rejected two Financial Action TaskRead More

UN Chief calls for resolution of Rohingya refugee crisis

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for resolution of Rohingya refugee crisis. In a statement, UN Secretary-General Spokesperson said the United Nations will continue to stand in solidarity with all those affected by the crisis. He said Antonio Guterres is committed to working with all stakeholders toward a future of sustainable development, human rights and peace in Rakhine State and all of Myanmar.

Govt focusing on institutional reforms to bring long-term stability in country: Sarwar

Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar has said that the government is focusing on institutional reforms to bring long term stability in the country. He stated this while talking to newsmen at Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lahore. He said that COVID-19 has been defeated with support of the nation and business community but strict implementation of SOPs is still needed to counter second wave of this pandemic. The Governor said that Pakistan is starting to export Personal Protective Equipment of worth one hundred million rupees which we wereRead More