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Wednesday, November 9th, 2016


Donald trump wins presidency

Donald trump wins presidency

NEW YORK, NOV 09, (DNA):  Donald Trump stunned America and the world Wednesday, riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States. The Republican mogul defeated his Democratic rival, plunging global markets into turmoil and casting the long-standing global political order, which hinges on Washington’s leadership, into doubt.According to US media, Hillary Clinton has called Trump to concede election. “Clinton called to congratulate me and I congratulate her for such a close contest,” said Trump while addresingRead More

Trump beats Clinton to take White House

Trump beats Clinton to take White House

WASHINGTON, NOV 09 (DNA): Donald Trump will become the 45th US president after a stunning victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton, The Republican nominee’s projected victory came down to a handful of key swing states, despite months of polling that favoured Mrs Clinton. The battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and North Carolina cleared the way for his Brexit-style upset. Global markets plummeted, with the Dow set to open 800 points down. Donald Trump stunned America and the world Wednesday, riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race toRead More

Shock, despair and silence at Clinton HQ

Shock, despair and silence at Clinton HQ

NEW YORK, NOV 09,(DNA):  A stony silence cast a pall early Wednesday over what was meant to be Hillary Clinton’s presidential victory party as, one by one, states turned Republican red for Donald Trump.The billionaire property mogul had not yet won the White House but for many, it was only a question of time. No one was expecting such a violent slap in the face. Some were saying it would be close, and many Democrats said they were nervous as they arrived at Clinton’s event at the Javits Center onRead More

Saeeduz Zaman Siddique new governor Sindh

KARACHI (DNA)’’ Justice ® Saeeduz Zaman Siddique will take over as new Governor of Sindh shortly. Mr. Saeeduz Zaman Siddique was contacted by the prime minister a couple of years ago and his consent was taken. On Wednesday Prime Minister met with the President Mamnoon Hussain and conveyed him this decision. Ishtraul Ibad remained Sindh governor for 14 years. He is the longest serving governor Sindh. Few weeks ago Ishtart developed differences with Pak Sarzameen party leaders. He was accused of patronizing terrorists. Political analysts believe after disintegration of MQMRead More

50 Years of UNIDOs Progress by Li Yong

Fifty years ago, the UN General Assembly created the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The Organization quickly grew to its current size of 170 members. As we look back on our 50 years, there is no doubt that UNIDO is still as relevant as it was when it was created. In the early 70s, when Pakistan’s leather industry was in its infancy, UNIDO started to play a catalytic role in building capacity to create the conditions for the rational progression of that sector. Since then, UNIDO has been diversifyingRead More

Musharraf admits untaxed Rs1 bn in foreign accts

Musharraf admits to untaxed Rs1 bn in foreign accts

ISLAMABAD, NOV 09, (DNA):   After almost four years of the unearthing of his dubious journey from rags to riches, General (retd) Pervez Musharraf has now finally revealed that he was helped by the late Saudi King Abdullah in a big way after he left power and had no place of his own to live in the UK. In a interview, Musharraf said that he did not beg for money but King Abdullah gave him a huge amount. He did not disclose the exact amount paid to him. Once a closeRead More