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Show of goodwill: Edhi Foundation helps 78 Indian fishermen return home


ISLAMABAD, JUL 13 (DNA) – With incidents of cross-border firing occurring frequently across the Line of Control, and with hostilities continuing to rise between the South Asian arch rivals, one seldom sees gestures of goodwill between the two countries.

But this animosity has witnessed a rare show of amity as Islamabad, in a gesture of goodwill, released 78 fishermen who had been detained in Pakistan for the past two years. After the fishermen’s release, the Edhi Foundation took the responsibility of returning the fishermen home.

According to a report published in the Times of India, 78 fishermen were arrested by Pakistan’s maritime security agency after trespassing into Pakistani waters two years back. On Monday, the fishermen were released. The fishermen say that they can forget their years of captivity thanks to the efforts of the Edhi Foundation.

The prisoners had been released from Karachi jail on Sunday, after which the Edhi Foundation took their responsibility. Volunteers of the Edhi Foundation won the hearts of these fishermen by giving them food, cash and gifts upon their release.

A fisherman expressed how he had felt surprised at the act when he had actually expected himself to be handed over to some unknown people. He said, “I wish the governments of both countries would behave like the volunteers of the Edhi Foundation.”

Another fishermen, Karsan, also expressed feelings of gratitude towards the foundation and said, “I may forget the time spent in jail but not the love and affection shown by Edhi Foundation volunteers. They didn t know us and yet they gave us Rs 5,000 each along with gifts. They were generous.”

If this wasn’t enough, to help the fishermen reach home, the Edhi Foundation booked an entire train compartment on a Karachi-Lahore train for the fishermen since there were no tickets available for the required date.

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