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Senate admits motion to debate Jadhav issue


ISLAMABAD, JUN 06 (DNA) – Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani on Monday admitted an adjournment motion to discuss the decision of the International Court of Justice, staying the execution of death sentence awarded to Kulbhushan Jadhav, the Indian agent.

Senator Sirajul Haq, the mover of the motion, spoke to admit this adjournment motion of great national importance which the chairman admitted for two hours discussion on a specific date to be announced later. Chairman Rabbani also directed to issue notices to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Attorney General about the admissibility of this adjournment motion which would be discussed in the House.

Earlier, the chairman did not admit an adjournment motion regarding seizure of heroin from an aircraft of PIA at the Heathrow Airport. He said that the Special Committee was looking into this matter so it was not in order for admissibility. Another motion about FATA reforms was not admitted for being in contravention with rules as the same issue was responded to by the Minister for Finance on May 29, 2017.

The House also passed two motions under Rule 194 (1) to extend the presentation period of two reports. The first report was regarding the details of income and expenditures of the Pakistan Cricket Board during the last five years while other was about the Premarital Blood Screening (Family Laws Amendment) Bill, 2016.

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