Pakistan and Iaea: An enduring partnership

By: Yusra Mushtaq
At the invitation of the Government of Pakistan, Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, will undertake his second official visit to Pakistan in the coming week.As part of IAEA’s outreach program, this visit reaffirms Pakistan’s deepening partnership with the IAEA on the peaceful uses of nuclear technology aimed at fostering socio-economic development of the country.
At present, the world is confronting with pressing challenges of its time in terms of climate change, energy security, water scarcity, agriculture and deadly human diseases. IAEA offers us the gateway in formofnuclear energy as the most feasible solution.IAEA has been at the forefront in promoting the peaceful use of nuclear technology by expanding its scientific and technical assistance across the globe sinceits inception in 1957. As a founding member of the IAEA, Pakistan has enjoyed a long-standing, productive, and mutually beneficial relationship with the Agency. Pakistan fully supports the IAEA’s efforts in implementing initiatives aimed at achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).This cooperation is further reinforced through the regular visits of IAEA dignitaries to Pakistan, aimed at promoting and enhancing the capabilities of the country’s nuclear facilities. These visits facilitate the exchange of expertise, help ensure adherence to international nuclear safety and security standardsand acquaint with the latest nuclear developments in fields of energy, agriculture and medicine.
The peaceful uses of nuclear energy bring numerous benefits to the States. To unlock the full potential of nuclear technology, IAEA fully supportsthe countries for the optimal utilization of nuclear potentials by providing. Agency extends its support to utilize nuclear energy’s benefits while maintaining the highest standards of safety and security.Agency’s initiatives, such as Atoms 4Food, which uses nuclear technology to enhance agricultural productivity; Rays of Hope, which focuses on improving cancer care; Atoms4NetZero and Atoms4Climate initiatives help countries use nuclear energy to address climate change, which promotes nuclear technology for sustainable development, have not only been crucial but have also earned global recognition. Additionally, nuclear energy is also applied in water desalination and environmental monitoring. These efforts highlight the essential role of nuclear energy in meeting global challenges.
As a member of IAEA Board of Governors, Pakistan regularly contributes to Agency’s decision making. The country has been elected for a two-year term from 2024 to 2026 during the 68th Session of the IAEA’s General Conference in Vienna (2024). This is also an acknowledgement of Pakistan’s long-standing commitment to the IAEA’s Statute of promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.It is Pakistan’s 21st term as a board member.
In the upcoming week, DG IAEA Rafael Grossi will be payinghis second official visit to the country.Such visits are a regular norm of the Pakistan-IAEA interaction. Earlier, Former DG IAEA YukiyaAmano visited Pakistan twice during his tenure in 2014 and 2018. During his visit in 2018, DG Amano lauded Pakistan’s efforts by saying, “IAEA greatly values cooperation with Pakistan in peaceful uses of nuclear technology.” He further added, “Your country is an experienced user of peaceful nuclear technology. You have the knowledge; you have the pool of well-trained people to do their job. We [IAEA and Pakistan] have a fruitful two-way relationship.” Such visits have played a key role in further solidifying the longstanding cooperation between Pakistan and IAEA.
During his maidenvisitin February2023, the incumbent DG IAEA labeledPakistan as having the “world-class and impeccable nuclear safety record,”while addressing a seminar titled, “Climate Change Mitigation and the Role of Nuclear Energy.”This recognition serves as a testament to Pakistan’s flawless nuclear safety standards and underscores the country’s commitment to maintaining high safety protocols in utilizing the nuclear domain.He noted that the country has technical and engineering capacities for building new nuclear power plants including Small Modular Reactors, which indicates a favorable future for nuclear energy and achieving SDGs.
Previously, DG IAEA Grossi had a productive exchange on the country’s comprehensive and cohesive peaceful uses of its nuclear capacity with the country’s leadership and visited several key nuclear facilities across the country.DG IAEA visited Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH), an IAEA partner, highlighted its work in human health, nutritionand water analysis. He also toured the National Institute of Safety and Security, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) and expressed his satisfaction over the safety standards of the nuclear facilities.
At the Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy Institute (NORI),an anchor center of IAEA, DG Grossiinaugurated a Cyberknife facility for cancer treatment, calling it a milestone for Pakistan during his two day visit. He highlighted that Pakistan can become a regional center under the IAEA’s Rays of Hope initiative, which aims to improve cancer care access in low and middleincome countries.In Faisalabad, Grossi visited the Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), designating it as an IAEA Anchor Centre in agriculture and biotechnology. Other collaborating centers of IAEA are Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) and National Institute of Safety and Security (NISAS) which are designated for education, training and technical support in areas of nuclear & radiation safety and security.
There has been a growing collaboration between Pakistan and IAEA in the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology across various sectors. The upcoming visit aims to explore the latest advancements in nuclear science and technology, offering expertise and multiple opportunities for socio-economic development of the country. It serves as an acknowledgment of the tireless efforts of Pakistani scientists, researchers, technicians and staff members of the country’s nuclear facilities in adhering to international safety protocols during their nuclear endeavors. The upcoming visit further symbolizes Pakistan’s commitment as a responsible nuclear state which is devoted to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy for the uplift of the country.
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