Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Pak, Afghan expand cooperation against war on terror

KABUL, 02 JUNE (DNA) – Pakistan and Afghanistan have underscored the need for intensifying efforts to strengthen and expand bilateral cooperation and jointly fight the menace of terrorism.

This was discussed at a meeting between Speaker of Afghan Wolesi Jirga, Mr. Abdur Rauf Ibrahimi, and Pakistan Ambassador to Afghanistan, Syed Abrar Hussain, in Kabul Tuesday.

The Ambassador informed the Afghan Speaker that Pakistan was making sincere endeavours for promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan as a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan was not only in the interest of Pakistan but also of the entire region.  He said that Pakistan wanted to promote and expand bilateral cooperation with Afghanistan in all areas of mutual interests.

The Afghan Speaker Abdur Rauf Ibrahimi said that both Pakistan and Afghanistan were brotherly neighbouring countries sharing common culture, religion and history and they need to work together for the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan.

He sounded satisfaction over the new beginning in relationship between the two countries and underlined the need for making sincere efforts by both sides to further strengthen the bond of friendship.  He said that the people of his country were grateful to Pakistan for hosting millions of refugees for more than three decades, besides educating thousands of Afghans during their stay in Pakistan.

The Ambassador also called on Afghan Minister for Culture and Information, Abdul Bari Jahani, and discussed ways and means to increase media cooperation between the two countries. It was agreed to enhance media cooperation as it can play vital role in building trust as well as bringing the two countries further closer.

The Ambassador also held meeting today with Afghan Minister for Border and Tribal Affairs, Muhammad Gulab Mangal, and discussed matters of mutual interest.  He apprised the Minister about various projects undertaken by Pakistan in the health and education sectors.

He assured the Minister that Rehman Baba Hostel and other projects, including 200-bed Naeb Aminullah Khan Hospital, Logar and 400-bed Jinnah Hospital, Kabul would be completed soon. DNA

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