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Naval chief attends 24th International sea power symposium in USA

ISLAMABAD, SEPT 19 (DNA) – Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi was on an official visit to USA to attend 24th International Sea Power Symposium 2021. During the visit, the Naval Chief also had one-on-one meeting with Naval leadership of various countries.

The International Sea Power Symposium is organized biennially at USA Naval War College Newport. The Forum offers a unique opportunity for the world’s maritime leaders to discuss common maritime challenges and promote/ enhance international maritime security cooperation.

This year the theme for the symposium was ‘Strength in Unity’ and delegations of over 80 countries including naval & coast guard leaders attended the conference.

Few important topics of panel discussions were Sea Power in the Information Age, Combating Invisible Foe: Covid-19 and Illegal Unreported & Unregulated Fishing. Besides talks by distinguished speakers, the forum also provided an opportunity to share individual thoughts and proposals for enhancing regional and global maritime security.

On the sidelines of Symposium activates, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi had meetings with US Secy of Navy Carlos Del Toro, senior officials of US Navy and Naval Chiefs of Argentine, France, Germany, Ghana, Japan, Sri Lanka and Turkey. During the meetings matters of mutual interest, emerging shared security challenges in maritime domain and bilateral naval collaboration were discussed.

Admiral also apprised counterparts on Pakistan’s commitment to maintain peace and stability in Indian Ocean Region by providing support to Combined Maritime Force Operations and Pakistan Navy’s initiative of Regional Maritime Security Patrols.

Earlier, the Naval Chief also visited US Surface Warfare School and was briefed about role of US Navy in countering emerging threats in global maritime domain.

It is expected that recent visit of Chief of the Naval Staff would greatly augment the bilateral cooperation with participating navies for enhancing regional and global maritime security.    

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