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Marine Le Pen accuses ‘arrogant’ rival Emmanuel Macron of ‘having NO LOVE for France’


PARIS, APR 26, (DNA) – French presidential nominee Marine Le Pen has criticized her political rival Emmanuel Macron for having “no love for France” ahead of their final showdown next month.

Ms Le Pen accused Mr. Macron of being a “hysterical, radical Europeanist” who believes he can do whatever he wants with the country.

She added: “He is for total open borders. He says there is no such thing as French culture.

“There is not one area where he shows one ounce of patriotism.”

After attending a ceremony to honor Xavier Juggle, the policeman who was killed in the Champs Elysees terrorist attack, Ms Le Pen also criticized her opponent as being “weak” in the face of terrorism.

She added the former banker – married to his former drama teacher, 26 years his senior – was “arrogant” following Sunday’s win in the first round of the selection process.

She said: “They were patting themselves on the back with the whole celeb crew.

“It shows that this arrogant cast thinks it’s already won and can do what it wants with the country.”

Her comments comes as a campaign strategist for her former party, National Front, said Mr Macron is not capable of playing in the big leagues with US President Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin.

Mikael Sala said: “Marine Le Pen has experience and to me, the ultimate test in this world that we live in, which is a very dangerous world, is you have to be a leader who has to play in the big league with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.=DNA


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