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High Commissioner calls on FCO Minister Rt Hon Andrew Murrison”

  Islamabad, 15 August, 2019

The High Commissioner, Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, called on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Minister The Rt. Hon. Dr. Andrew Murrison MP today to discuss situation in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK), says a press release received here today from London.

He briefed the Minister on the gross human rights violations in IOK, the threat to the regional security due to unilateral actions by India and simultaneously heating up of situation at LOC and Working Boundary.

The High Commissioner highlighted the violations of UN Security Council Resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir committed by India. He drew attention of the FCO Minister on the steps taken by India to systematically alter the demography of the IOK to convert it from a Muslim Majority to Muslim minority territory.

In the context of human rights violations and atrocities perpetrated by the Indian occupation forces, the High Commissioner referred to the various Reports issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Kashmir.

Mr. Zakaria apprised the Minister on the steps taken by the Government of Pakistan to create awareness among the international community and to urge them to intervene to stop the bloodshed of innocent and defenceless Kashmiris.

The FCO Minister confirmed that his country was aware of the situation, which he said was a matter of concern. He recognised the perils that surround the issue of Kashmir in the current circumstances.

He felicitated the High Commissioner and the Pakistani community in the UK on Pakistan Independence Day.”

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