Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Govt won’t allow anyone to destabilise country, asserts Nawaz

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday said no one will be allowed to create hurdles in the way of stability and development of the country.
Chairing a special meeting of federal ministers, advisers and special assistants at PM House, he said, “With God’s grace our hands are clean. We have faced ruthless accountability in the past too, with success.”
“The nation is focused on economic progress and prosperity, and we will not let anyone create any obstacle in the way,” Nawaz said.
The prime minister said the development processes that were launched three years ago to steer the country out of darkness, improve economy, and remove flaws from the system will continue.
He said those who want to hamper development and welfare of people will not succeed in their designs.
“PML-N always prefers values over power and takes decisions on the national issues in consultation with other political parties,” the premier added.
Nawaz said political rivals fear that they will be left far behind in the political arena if the government completes its constitutional tenure.
He said the entire international community vouched for the transparency in the measures taken for the restoration of the economy, ongoing development, mega power and infrastructure projects and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
He said when his government took over, the economy was at its lowest ebb and investors were fleeing the country.
“Today we have restored the confidence of the people and the graph reflecting hopes and aspirations of the people in their future has gone up for the first time in 15 years.”
The cabinet ministers expressed views that certain political elements are trying to create political chaos to divert the government’s attention from the economic agenda.
They reiterated the resolve that the incumbent government will implement its development agenda.
The cabinet members said the ongoing propaganda was not aimed against the person of the prime minister or his family, but it was actually against the political stability and pace of development of the country. These elements were trying to sabotage country’s development and progress, they added.
The ministers, belonging to the allied parties, assured Nawaz of the support of their respective parties and leadership.

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