Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Dean’s Rodolfo Martin Saravia’s discrimination

Dear Readers, Many diplomats particularly those who are either leaving Pakistan after completing their tenure or those who come in to take charge of their new responsibilities, often complain to us that their farewell or welcome receptions hosted by the Dean are not covered and published in the Centreline. For the information of those in particular and our readers in general, we wish to clarify that we do not cover these events because regretfully we are not extended an invitation to such functions. Although, we have offered individual clarification to selected diplomats, however we now consider it important to communicate our position more clearly using this platform.
The first question that arises is why has the Dean chosen to not invite Centreline and Diplomatic News Agency (DNA) for the functions? This is despite the fact that Centreline is not only the largest circulated diplomatic magazine in Pakistan, it is run by career and professional journalists. Similarly DNA is Pakistan’s first and only diplomatic news agency. There appear to be two plausible reasons. Firstly, the previous Brazilian ambassador to Pakistan Mr. Alfredo Leoni, was undoubtedly a dynamic diplomat who spared no efforts in promoting and strengthening relations between Brazil and Pakistan. To this end, after every three or four months, Brazilian Embassy would use Centreline for promotional articles and interviews as a paid content. Since the Dean and the Brazilian ambassador were not on speaking terms, therefore the Dean construed our professional relationship with the Embassy of Brazil as some sort of a “plot” against Argentina embassy. While the previous Brazil ambassador was a highly professional person and never shared his views with us over his estranged relations with the Argentina ambassador. Likewise, we at Centreline did not resort to an unprofessional method to publish something that would harm or discredit the interests of Argentina. Yet the Dean has given us a status of his “enemy.” Now that the previous Brazil ambassador has departed, the Dean continues to show hostility to Centreline in more than one ways going to the extent of asking other diplomatic colleagues to not invite Centreline to their functions. Surely it ill behoves his stature and status.
Secondly, some months ago, we published a small note in our magazine, which was originally published in a national newspaper, that the present Dean will be retiring from service on reaching the age of 70. Presumably he did not like our formal dissemination of this otherwise insignificant information, perhaps he did want people to know that he is leaving. We asked him if the news of his retirement was not true, we can publish an apology. But he confirmed that he is indeed retiring!
We are an independent organization and we do not have any favourites nor do we take sides. We will exercise restraint, because this is the Dean’s last year in service and we do not want him to take any bad memories from Pakistan. Goodwill gestures must always be reciprocated in the same manner. We assure our readers; we are a professional organization and would continue to exercise the highest standards of propriety and professional ethics. Editor

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