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Army chief says Pak, China friendship growing with each passing day

ISLAMABAD, JUL 31 (DNA) – “Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa has said CPEC is a clear manifestation of Pakistan, China friendship adding the project shall be completed on time.

The army chief expressed these views while addressing the 90th anniversary of the Founding of People’s Liberation Army.

Here is the text of speech of the army chief ” On this historic occasion, I convey, deepest compliments from all ranks of Pakistan Army, to all ranks of People’s Liberation Army

My special felicitations to the President of People’s Republic of China, His Excellency Xi Jinping, General Fan Changlong – Vice Chairman Central Military Commission and General Fang Fenghui – Chief of Joint Staff

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This day symbolizes the power of people’s unity, unflinching resolve and sacrifices, owing to which PLA, today, is one of the finest military outfits in the world

The professional standards of PLA, its training and technological outreach, and its enviable operational record, stand second to none

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Pakistan Army and the people of Pakistan take great pride in our deep rooted brotherly relationship with People’s Republic of China. This enviable relationship finds no parallel in the World

Today, both China and Pakistan are faced with similar challenges and opportunities. Both countries have assumed shared responsibility towards stability in the region and prosperity of our people. This unity of purpose has led to the consolidation and has strengthened our resolve as determined nations, to brave all challenges and storms together

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As important strategic players in the region, our relations have jointly benefitted both the countries. It is a relationship based on mutual trust, respect, understanding and cooperation. In fact, this friendship is flourishing with every passing day, which encompasses every aspect of our life

Today, this close collaboration spans over a wider canvas than ever before and ranges across strategic initiatives like China Pakistan Economic Corridor, defence collaboration in numerous joint projects and united diplomatic front, internationally

Pakistan is indebted to China for its unflinching support to our perspective at all international forums, may it be expansion of Nuclear Suppliers Group, Kashmir Issue, or Pakistan’s full membership of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

China has always provided unconditional support to Pakistan’s efforts for reconciliation in Afghanistan, especially at the platform of Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG)

We are also actively cooperating in all fields against war on terror. Moreover,  from diplomatic cooperation to security collaboration, we have stood by each other through thick and thin and shall continue to stand shoulder to shoulder, come rain or shine

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the end, I once again extend my heartiest felicitations to People’s Liberation Army on this momentous occasion.  I am sure that professional collaboration between PLA and Pakistan Army, will continue to expand to bring peace to the region in general and China – Pakistan in particular.”DNA


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