Thursday, May 2, 2024
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Today is the longest day of 2018

In case you are not aware about it, today is the summer solstice – the longest day of the year.

On the longest day, the duration of sunlight is comparatively more than that of any other day. The solstice occurs twice a year and is referred to as the ‘summer solstice’ and ‘winter solstice’.

The longest day of the year is a cause of celebration for many, whether you feel a spiritual connection to the power of the sun or are simply relieved that summer has finally arrived.

Why is it the year’s longest day?

The summer solstice – otherwise known as the estival solstice, midsummer or Litha – is the longest day of the year.

It occurs when the earth’s geographical pole on either the northern or southern hemisphere becomes most inclined towards the sun and officially marks the beginning of summer.

When the summer solstice takes place in the northern hemisphere this month, the sun will reach its highest possible altitude.

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