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Pak, Russia celebrating 70th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations

ISLAMABAD, MAY 01 (DNA) – May 01, 2018 marks the seventieth anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and the Russian Federation.

In the backdrop of multiple recent developments that have seen Pakistan-Russia relations touch historic new heights, the event is being celebrated in both countries with great fervour and zeal.

Pakistan – Russia friendship is fast evolving into a mature partnership. Relations between the two countries are today characterized by mutual trust, commonality of interests, and convergence of views on important regional and global issues. Both countries have similar stakes in durable peace and stability in their common neighbourhood, and harbour shared aspirations for regional development and prosperity.

The upward trajectory is being maintained through sustained high level interaction through strong institutional mechanisms and cementing cooperation in such diverse fields as trade & commerce; banking & finance; agriculture & industry ; defence & security; education and technology, and energy & infrastructure development.

The two countries have also collaborated closely at international forums including the United Nations. Russia has been a strong supporter of Pakistan’s membership of SCO which affords another useful platform for close cooperation on matters of common concern.

Pakistan views Russia as an important global power, a significant development partner, and a salient contributor to regional stability. We believe that long term multidimensional strategic partnership between the two countries will be mutually beneficial for the people of Pakistan and the Russian Federation and would contribute towards regional peace and stability.

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