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EU launches anti-corruption campaign in Afghanistan

KABUL, March 13 (DNA): The EU Delegation in Afghanistan has launched its 2016 anti-corruption campaign.The campaign will help Afghan citizens fight corruption and seek to mobilise support for stronger Government action against corruption. The campaign runs for seven weeks and culminates with a high-level conference in early May.Afghanistan’s endemic corruption is crippling the economy and undermining the fight against the insurgency. This threatens past achievements and in vestments in Afghanistan as well as the future of all young Afghans.

The campaign will focus on four themes, Corruption and Peace, Corruption in the judicial sector, Natural resources and stability – the threat of illegal mining, and Public action against corruption.

At the Campaign launch, EU Special Representative in Afghanistan, Ambassador Franz-Michael Mellbin stated: “Every day ordinary Afghans are confronted with corruption’s dark shadow that fills the pockets of the rich while the poor suffer. It undermines the Afghan people’s hard-won achievements over the last 14 years, and it is a primary threat to the sustainability and survivability of the Afghan state. The Government can and should do more, but Government action cannot stand alone. Every Afghan should take personal responsibility for ending this scourge.

This includes refusing to benefit from the corruption of others. This is why the campaign will also focus on how ordinary citizens a nd media can confront and expose corrupt practises.”

“In a year where the international community is considering its future support to Afghanistan, there is an urgent need to show progress

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