Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Food security achievable despite climate change

ISLAMABAD, 20 JAN (DNA) – Some 1.2 billion people—almost one fifth of the world—live in areas of water scarcity, while another 1.6 billion face what is called economic water shortage. The situation is only expected to worsen as population growth, climate change, and inefficient use of existing water resources are reducing the available water per head day by day.

 It is estimated that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will live in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, with almost half of the world living in conditions of water stress. The current trend of water use in Asian countries is not sustainable in the face of fast increasing populations, and the challenges posed by climate change.

Thus, ensuring food security for fast growing populations of Asian countries with shrinking water resources is a daunting task. The challenge is to produce more in a more sustainable way.

 The was the topic of an International Conference on “Challenges in Water Security to Meet the Growing Food Requirement” organized in Islamabad by the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA).

 Leading experts of Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Korea and Nepal were the resource persons at this important scientific forum.  In addition to technical presentations and discussions by the experts, three Penal Discussions of the Workshop were led by senior scientists like Dr. Amir Muhammed, Engr. Shamsul Mulk, and Dr. Mubarik Ali.

While chairing the Concluding Session of this important Conference at the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Mr. Zahid Hamid, Federal Minister for Climate Change, stated that, despite the constraints of water scarcity and climate change, Food Security for the fast increasing populations of Asian countries is achievable.

 He said this can be accomplished on sustainable basis by employing well thought of science-based solutions and strategies. He congratulated the Pakistan Academy of Sciences and AASSA for jointly organizing this international Conference on a topic of immense importance of all countries of Asia.

 This Conference was organized by the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with The President of Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Dr. Anwar Nasim, and Vice President of AASSA, Professor Namik Asar, who is senior scientist of Turkey, also spoke on the occasion.  DNA

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