Friday, September 27, 2024
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UNSC adopted double standards on Kashmir: AJK president


ISLAMABAD, (DNA) – The AJK President, Sardar Masood Khan has regretted that the UN Security Council has failed in fulfilling its obligations to end the grave human crisis and prevent ethnic cleansing occupied Kashmir, and to avert the dangers of war in South Asia.

Talking to the visiting 20-member Turkish media delegation here at Kashmir House on Thursday, he said that the world body is responsible to ensure global peace and security, must not have become silent after hold a single session on the situation of Kashmir.

He maintained that had this situation prevailed in any other region of the world, the Security Council would have met even in late hours or week end to examine it, but unfortunately, it has adopted double standards on the Kashmir issue. “Occupied Kashmir is on fire, people are being killed, and this region of eight million population has been under the siege of Indian Army for the last 45 days, but the UN Security Council is tight lipped over this sheer injustice,” he added.

Welcoming the statement of UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Michelle Bachelet Jeria on Kashmir, the AJK president called for immediately sending an international commission of inquiry to occupied Kashmir to probe allegations of human rights violations and the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri people in the held territory. “What India is doing in occupied Kashmir at present, amounts to burning the new world order,” he said and warned that if notice of the Indian action is not taken, no one would be able to avert a disastrous war in the region which would affect one thirds of the world population.

Sardar Masood Khan said that the way the global media has played a highly positive role on Kashmir since August 5. Similarly, he added, the role of UK and European parliaments as well as civil society against the Indian actions is appreciable but tragically the governments of influential countries have been keeping silent in view of their economic and political interests.

Apprising the delegation of the latest situation of the held territory, the state president said that thousands of Kashmiri people including children who were arrested during the last six weeks, were being shifted to different Indian prisons. Besides, the Indian troops conduct night raids at the homes, torture old aged people, molest the women, and later, the arrested youth are declared terrorists and are shot dead bodies

The AJK president appreciated  the solidarity and sympathy expressed by the people of Turkey particularly President Tayyip Erdoğan with the people of occupied Kashmir, and said that we would never forget solidarity.=DNA


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