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Tuesday, August 20th, 2024


National Security in American Political Discourse

National Security in American Political Discourse

Dr. Muhammad Akram Zaheer American political discourse has an issue of “national security” fundamentally amplifies its importance, often bringing it to the forefront of policy discussions and public concern. The term itself carries a weight that surpasses ordinary political or social issues, signaling a matter of utmost priority for the nation’s well-being. Within the specialized field of foreign policy analysis, national security concerns are typically classified under “high politics,” a category reserved for the most critical and existential threats to a nation. This includes matters such as the regulation andRead More

Role of Mercantilism in the Foreign Policy of Pakistan

Role of Mercantilism in the Foreign Policy of Pakistan

Syed Laique Haider Economic and political factors have had a profound influence on Pakistan’s foreign policy. On the international scene, Mercantilism has always been a decisive and major part of development and trade. According to this economic theory, Pakistan is able to leverage outer world markets through exporting surplus; it stores wealth; and, finally, it is always the protection of the domestic market. All these factors play a huge role in shaping the trade agreements, diplomatic relations, and international economic policies of Pakistan.From the beginning of its existence, Pakistan hasRead More