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Sunday, March 21st, 2021


Gujranwala girl dies after headphones catch fire

GUJRANWALA, Mar 21 (DNA): In a tragic incident, a 13-year-old girlburned to death after headphones she had on caught fire in Punjab’sGujranwala, rescue officials said on Sunday. The incident occurred in a village on the city’s outskirts. Theteenager, named Mushfiqa, was using headphones connected to a mobilephone while it was charging, the rescue officials said, adding she wascompletely burned after the headphones caught fire all of a sudden. The girl’s death is the latest in a series of incidents involving theuse of smartphones while they are charged. Earlier, a videoRead More

SOPs Violations: 30 restaurants sealed, 660 shops closed down

ISLAMABAD, Mar 21 (DNA): The teams of Islamabad Capital Territoryadministration has sealed some 30 restaurants and closed down 660 shopsfor defying coronavirus related standard operating procedures (SOPs)during the last 24 hours. The authorities have imposed over Rs 100,000 fine to the violators byconducting as many as 2000 inspections. Similarly 16 individuals bookedand 10 vehicles were impounded over non-compliance of COVID-19 SOPs. Around 52 schools and 28 mosques were inspected during the same period,according to ICT data. The administration had step up efforts amid thirdwave of corona virus pandemic as theRead More

N. Korean diplomats leaving Malaysia after ties are severed

KUALA LUMPUR, MAR 21 – North Korean diplomats vacated their embassy in Malaysia and prepared to leave the country Sunday, after the two nations cut diplomatic relations in a spat over the extradition of a North Korean criminal suspect to the United States. The North Korean flag and embassy signage have been removed from the premise in a Kuala Lumpur suburb. Two buses ferried the diplomats and their families to the airport, where they were seen checking in for a flight to Shanghai. Ties between North Korea and Malaysia haveRead More

Reforms in Kazakhstan: implementations & achievements (P-I)

Dr. Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan Economic sustainability heavily rests on institutionalization of constant structural reforms which paves the way towards immense socio-economic prosperity, poverty eradication, good governance and above all qualitative life. Right from the beginning Kazakhstan President H.E. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev introduced comprehensive reforms in all sectors of the economy and civility alike due to which now its economy is flourishing despite ongoing human sage of the COVID-19. Its national politics is stable despite regional political uncertainties. Its society is united despite widespread disunity. Its state is functional despite globalRead More

Pakistan Day to be celebrated mostly virtual amid COVID-19

ISLAMABAD, Mar 21 : The upcoming celebrations of Pakistan Day, March 23, will be held across the country mostly virtual by different public and private departments amid the recent intense wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The nation’s patriotic spirit, however, has not been dampened as the people throughout the country are gearing up to mark the day with the same enthusiasm and fervor shown in the past along with renewing their pledge to foster unity among their ranks, paying tributes to the national heroes, and praying for the prosperity ofRead More

Sino-Pak olive production- technology cooperation imperative: Says Prof Cheng

BEIJING, March 21 : Technical cooperation in olive cultivation and olive oil production should be the focus of agricultural cooperation between China and Pakistan, said Chinese scholar Prof. Cheng Xizhong, according to China Economic Net (CEN). Cheng who is visiting Professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law noted that both China and Pakistan attach great importance to deepening and expanding cooperation in the agriculture sector under the framework of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Prime Minister Imran Khan recently said large-scale olive cultivation would prove to be the bestRead More