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Sunday, November 29th, 2020


Chinese university holds symposium on Pakistani film ‘Parwaaz Hai Junoon’

DNA BEIJING, November 29  –  To enhance and develop China-Pakistan friendship between people of the two countries and enrich their amateur cultural life, Sichuan Normal University held a symposium on Pakistani film ‘Parwaaz Hai Junoon. It facilitated Pakistan students to watch the movie. The tutor of Pakistani students and some researchers of Pakistan Study Center of the University participated in the activity. In addition, a Faculty member from Pakistan Study Center of Sichuan University was also invited to take part in the activity. During watching the film in the cinema,Read More

Kaavan elephant to leave for Cambodia shortly

ISLAMABAD : Kaavan elephant of Marghazar Zoo will shortly leave in a chartered flight to its new home in Cambodia today (Sunday). Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on environment Malik Amin Aslam reached the Zoo to farewell to the world’s loneliest elephant. An eight-member medical and technical team conducted various tests of Kaavan before its shift to the Chaklala Airbase, from where he would be transported to Cambodia via a Russian chartered jet. Speaking on the occasion, Malik Amin Aslam said that they are seeing-off Kaavan with an openRead More

Developing Countries Battle with Breast Cancer: Pakistan has highest rate of Breast Cancer

ISLAMABAD, 29 Nov, 2020 Research shows that Pakistan has the highest rate of breast cancer than any other Asian country as approximately 90,000 new cases are diagnosed every year out of which 40,000 succumb to the disease. Estimates say1 in 10 women may develop Breast Cancer in their lifetime in Pakistan. The situation is not much different in other developing countries. An ardent advocate of socio-economic well-being of populations, the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) highlighted this global health issue by holding aRead More

COVID-19: Pakistan witnesses 43 deaths, 2,829 new cases in 24 hours

ISLAMABAD : Pakistan has recorded fresh 2,829 COVID-19 cases and 43 deaths due to the virus in the last 24 hours. In the past 24 hours, 43 more people succumbed to the disease, taking the death toll to 7,985. 2,257 patients have recovered from the virus during the last 24 hours and 2,186 patients are in critical condition. According to the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), with fresh inclusion of the infections in the country the national tally of cases now currently stands at 395m185, whereas, the active casesRead More

The future of academic research

By Muhammad Omar Iftikhar   A piece of recent news mentions about 81 Pakistani academics who have become part of the two percent scientists. The list has been compiled by Stanford University in the USA. It has names of 159683 people from across the world from all scientific disciplines. These academicians and researchers were added to the list based on an international evaluation of their research papers. Moreover, their selection was made on a career-long citation impact until 2019. Included in this list are eleven teachers from the Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU)Read More