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The time has come that Pakistan revise its foreign policy

ISLAMABAD, MAR 29 (DNA) – After the Trump’s controversial tweet whatever is happening in the region United States, India and Afghanistan are responsible for that. All these elements have been trying to squeeze and pressurize Pakistan by all means. United States threats to cut off aid and urged Islamabad to Do More are part of these efforts.

Pakistan so far is expressing extreme patience against these tactics which is right gesture.

The time has come that Pakistan should revise its foreign policies and look for new alliances with Russia, Iran, Turkey and China.

United States is supporting India to counter China but it will destabilize the balance of power in the region. The stability of the South Asian region hangs in a delicate balance. As the Taliban grow stronger in Afghanistan, America has started to shift the blame for its failures in the country onto Pakistan.

Dr Ghulam Mustafa (IR Expert) has said Pakistani forces have almost eliminated terrorism from its soil to a number of operations against militants. Now the terrorists have been united in Afghanistan and have safe havens there. Many countries have lauded Pakistan <link> ‘s steps and its serious contribution toward global peace.

It is pertinent to note that the United States has put forward a motion to place Pakistan <link> on a global terrorist-financing watch list just to please India. The puppet government of Kabul is under the influence of New Delhi and Washington. Without having dialogues with Taliban, peace and stability in Afghanistan is not possible.

Dr Amna Mehmood (IR Expert) says A new paradigm in Pakistan’s foreign policy is emerging that demands the relations with the United States will be driven by Pakistan’s interests. India has a specific mind-set and wants to get regional hegemony in the region.

Despite of certain offers made from Pakistan  for resolving outstanding issues through dialogue, India still considersPakistan  as the only challenge for its hegemonies designs. U.S.-Pakistan relations have suffered numerous blows; relations with Russia and China are becoming increasingly close.

The main focus should be thatPakistan  should put its house in order. Pakistan has fought the war against terrorism largely from its own resources. Through a series of major counter-terrorism operations Pakistan cleared all these areas resulting in elimination of organized terrorist presence leading to significant improvement in security in Pakistan.

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