Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Pakistan hails first-ever accord at UN on Global Compact on Migration

NEW YORK, (DNA) – Pakistan has welcomed the first ever agreement among UN member states to better manage international migration.

Speaking after the text of ‘Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration’ was finalized at the world body, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the United Nations Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said it will strengthen migrant rights and contribute to sustainable development.

Maleeha Lodhi said the document draws a clear distinction between refugees and migrants and upholds human rights of all migrants regardless of their status.

She said we must now agree and undertake our shared responsibility for protection and realization of rights of all migrants, to fully realize the immense potential and to harness the benefits of regular migration.

The agreement will be formally adopted at an Intergovernmental Conference, which will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco, in December.

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