Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Over 2500 security personnel to guard Chehlum procession in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, SEP 04 (DNA) — Islamabad Capital Police have finalized the security arrangements for the procession in connection with Chehlum of Imam Hussain (AS), a public relations officer said Monday.

He said that, following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, the Islamabad capital police have finalized a comprehensive security plan for Chehlum of Imam Hussain (AS).

The formal approval of this plan was given by Islamabad Capital City Police officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, after its thorough review all wings of Islamabad Capital Police have also been given directions to ensure complete coordination for success of this plan.

All concerned officials were directed to maintain close liaison with peace committees and organizers of Majalis and processions. He said that cooperation of organizers should be ensured with the police and law enforcing officials.

The Islamabad Capital City Police officer (ICCPO) directed for strict security arrangements on these occasions and special checking of participants. He said that special arrangements should be made for checking of participants in a professional way and to install walk-through gates at the entrance points.

He said that it should be ensured to make arrangements for checking the participants of the procession thoroughly using metal detectors. Strict vigilance should be maintained to ensure that security measures are in place by the police as well as peace committees, the (ICCPO) maintained.

Pakistan Rangers and FC will also assist Islamabad Capital Police to ensure elaborate security arrangements. He also ordered all Zonal DPOs, SDPOs and officers incharge police stations to make proper light arrangements after negotiations with concerned authorities and also to weed out bushes in the various areas in the vicinity of the worship place.

He said that it should be ensured that processions will pass through the fixed routes and timings of procession to be observed strictly. He also directed for effective patrolling and use of commando vehicles for the purpose.

The (ICCPO) directed for maintaining close coordination among all wings of Islamabad Capital Police and lower subordinates. Traffic staff to ensure arrangements for avoiding any inconvenience to road users and special deployment should be made for smooth flow of traffic at alternate routes when procession will be carried out.

It should be ensured that parking lots to be far away from the processions with proper security arrangements there and metal detectors would be used at entry and exit points too.

He said that walk-through gates must be installed at all entry and exit points of the procession and it should be covered through a large strength of policemen. All DPOs, SDPOs are directed to take steps to curb wall chalking or pasting posters which may hurt sentiments of people. The Dolphin Squad has been deployed on patrol along the designated routes of the procession.

Patrolling officers must conduct visits to all the routes of procession and Imambargah and rooftops to be covered by the police officials.  He said that lady police should be deputed for the female gatherings while police officers and Jawans would perform security duties outside the Imambargah.

All incharge Police Station should get the complete bio data of those volunteers performing security duties.  Peace committees would be asked to ensure that no stranger will be allowed to stay in the worship places for security reasons during procession. — DNA

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