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Nawaz sacrifices PM slot for his daughter Maryam

Nawaz sacrifices PM slot for his daughter Maryam

The prevailing uncertainty surrounding the election results may have prompted Nawaz Sharif to reconsider his political position and thus not to present himself as the next prime minister of Pakistan

Ansar M Bhatti

ISLAMABAD: PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif appears to have made a strategic move by relinquishing his prime ministership, potentially paving the way for his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, to be nominated for the Chief Minister position in Punjab. Analysts speculate that Nawaz’s decision may have been influenced by advice to step back due to the contested nature of his election to the national assembly seat. There is a concern that an unfavorable decision could pose challenges for him.

Another contributing factor to Nawaz Sharif’s change of stance is the lackluster performance of the PML-N in the general elections. Preliminary reports suggest that the party secured only 30 to 40 seats. While these reports await confirmation, it is evident that a significant number of losing candidates have turned to the courts to challenge the election outcomes. The prevailing uncertainty surrounding the election results may have prompted Nawaz Sharif to reconsider his political position and thus not to present himself as the next prime minister of Pakistan.

Over the course of history, the relationship between Nawaz Sharif and the Establishment has consistently proven to be tumultuous, marked by frequent conflicts that have led to the overthrow of Nawaz Sharif’s government on three separate occasions, either through military intervention or judicial processes. Given this historical backdrop, the anticipation was high that the dynamics between these two entities would continue to be strained in the recent political scenario.

It was foreseeable that the powers-that-be were inclined to keep Nawaz Sharif away from the prime minister’s office once again, considering the challenges and conflicts that had arisen in the past. This recurrent pattern suggested a deep-rooted difficulty in the coexistence of Nawaz Sharif and the Establishment.

Even amidst uncertainties surrounding the amicable coexistence between Maryam Nawaz and the Establishment, given her historically assertive stance, it remains crucial to observe the trajectory of their relationship in the days ahead. The Sharif family, by retaining key positions, may face criticism, particularly concerning the concentration of power within their ranks.

Notably, Aleem Khan, the IPP President and a candidate for the chief minister role, seems to have diminished prospects based on recent developments. The evolving political landscape demands a nuanced analysis of power dynamics and potential repercussions for both Maryam Nawaz and the broader political landscape. The dynamics between key figures and the distribution of roles within the Sharif family will undoubtedly be subject to scrutiny, shaping the narrative and perceptions in the coming days.

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