Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Natural and Regional Resolution for Afghan Quandary

By Beenish Altaf

The land of massive resources with a history of the most crucial wars is once again looking forward for its fate. The disastrous decade of bloody war is a well prove for the instability of Afghanistan. The only option is to give the right to Afghan local to decide their own fate while playing the facilitating role by the regional powers and international community.

For that reason, in order to find a podium to success for Afghanistan mess two possible options can be deemed up in the brackets of “Natural Resolution” and “Regional Resolution”. Therefore, the said pathway could be met only by engaging diverse Afghanistan’s Internal Groups (AIG) i.e., Afghan ethnic, tribal, religious and geographical groups under one umbrella. In order to congregate the two resolutions by endeavouring the equivalent ambition for Natural Resolution and Regional Resolution could be that Natural Resolution press on by “Afghan Owned Process” (AOP) and the Regional Resolution is by “Consensus of Regional Actors” (CRA). However, the Afghan Own Peace Process is solely depended on Consensus of Regional Actors. For that purpose, ethnic bridge amongst AIG needs to build up. In case of conflict of interests among stakeholders dialogues, conferences and meetings could be the liberal alternative or needed solution for the hour.

By the assurance of regional actors, CRA could be proved itself as a vital factor for building Afghan peace which pays way for getting an ultimate result to facilitate grounds for structuring a road map that would build an ethnic bridge among the AIG. Consequently, by the help of successful Afghan ethnic bridge, dissuade regional actors could be avoided and a futuristic stable Afghanistan would be affirmed by taking proactive actions. Thus, this hope could be visualized that Afghans would be able to reach at a long lasting solution for peace, development and progress of their country.

Since it is established facts that till the lost boot of US-led Western forces remain at the soil of Afghanistan, there would be no peace in Afghanistan and the region would be remain in disturbance. In this regard, Afghanistan issue has raised a question of perception predicament towards the US-led Western forces presence in Afghanistan as its practical depiction can be observed globally. Concurring to the fact, the “Perception” plays an imperative role in determining relations among international performers: there are two prevailing perceptions around the globe about the on-going US-led Western forces operations in Afghanistan. Firstly, according to the US-led Western perception about their forces is that these forces have been deployed for the safe guard of world for hunting the global terrorist and to get ride of the Afghan nation from the al-Qaeda terrorist networks and its like-minded flocks. Secondly, the other perception is in the view of Afghan and the regional local aspirations that these US-led Western forces are illegally occupied forces that have captured their Afghan land and violated its sovereignty. The only way to replace this miss-perception into omen is “Regional Peace-Keeping Forces (RPKF)”.

For getting rid-off that images two recommended strategies could be implemented in order to fill the gaps created by NATO untrained ANF. Even though by 2014 an expected security gap could be seen, nevertheless, it can be replaced by two Peace Keeping Forces i.e., SCO Peace Keeping Forces and UNO Peace Keeping Forces that could be expected as a positive alternative for ensuring peace and harmony in security situation in and outside the Afghanistan.

Thus the first Strategy in this context; the SCO Peace Keeping Force can be formed as a best possible option that could not only be a very useful tool in training the ANF after pull-out forces but would also fill the Afghan security gap. The reason of an un-objectionable regional peace keeping force is that the SCO Peace Keeping Force would not be considered as an illegal occupied force because mostly regional countries are SCO permanent members and rest of them having the status of observer including the War torn Afghanistan along with its neighbouring countries like Pakistan and Iran, etc. Since, Afghanistan’s nation is combination of different ethnic groups and those ethnic groups have kin relations in all Afghanistan’s neighbourly countries. These relations provide a strong binding and bonds between Kabul and its neighbouring countries. This bridged relationship gives the sense of fraternalism alienation. Keeping in view, the strong bonding relations, the SCOPKF would be seen as protectors rather than looters.

Interestingly, SCO slogan is to put effort to combat terrorism and extremist elements to secure the borders of its member states. For that purpose, all the SCO members need to identify the common interests. In this instant, among other neighbouring countries Pakistan can play a vital and crucial role in Afghan stability. For which Pakistan Iran and India necessarily needs membership of SCO (although currently at status of observer states) as support and facilitating role of immediate neighbour is necessary.

The second strategy could be inked up as UNO peacekeeping forces. The formation of the UNO peacekeeping forces could be the subsequent probable preference, as an active partaker in the post 2014 security scenario. Owing to fact that the US refused to go along with “internationalisation” of Afghanistan, but peace building and peacemaking with UN forces would be the unsurpassed option in the contemporary position of Afghanistan.

Wrapping up, role of regional powers is very crucial for Afghan Peace. When the Regional powers see Afghanistan as a part of solution rather than a part of conflict only then they could be reached at a common consensus. Also, considering the deployment of SCO or UNO peacekeeping forces in Afghanistan is a best option that would purge the perception of predicament about US/NATO forces worldwide. A stable and peaceful region is directly associated and dependent upon a stable and peaceful Afghanistan

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