Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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London transport authority apologizes over anti-Pakistan adverts

An apology has come in from Transport for London (TfL) for advertising anti-Pakistan slogans. A campaign was being run on the company’s buses that promoted anti-Balochistan agenda.

Pakistan High Commission

Pakistan High Commission raised the issue with English authorities and sent two letters to the transit company. One letter was in the wake of previous incident when the company’s taxies were used to advert a campaign against Pakistan. The other letter was sent to protest the use of buses against Pakistan’s sovereignty. The letters were sent on 2nd and 7th November.

Zahid Hafeez, Deputy High commissioner, sent both letters highlighting how company was violating TfL and Advertising Standards Agency (ASA)’s rules and guidelines.

TfL’s Inquiry

TfL held an internal inquiry in which it was concluded that the adverts were breaching the company’s Advertising Policy and Pakistan’s stance on the issue was correct. Pakistan took the position of taking a legal action if the adverts continued to be posted.

Mike Brown, Commissioner for Transport, recognizing the breach said;

We have written to our advertising partners to remind them of their responsibilities in relation to our Advertising Policy.

He further said that the involved agency has already been requested to remove the adverts, “They were in breach of our Advertising Policy, as relating to matters of public controversy or sensitivity.”

The Transport Commission says that he has instructed the advertising agencies to get all ads cleared from them before they are posted. He further assured that the ads that are not in compliance with the advertising policy will not be approved.

TfL admitted that it was their negligence that led to the incident.

A letter stating an apology has already been sent to Pakistan High Commissioner.

The letter reads,

I would like to reassure you that our advertising partners are instructed to refer to us any advertisements that may be seen to not comply with out Advertising Policy. That did not happen in this case and for that I apologize.

Action Against Taxi Drivers

TfL says that an altered version of ads got the approval. The ads that were displayed weren’t the ones that were approved.

A TfL spokesperson said all such adverts have been removed from taxis and any taxi driver still carrying those will be issued ‘unfit notice’. One taxi driver refused to take down the ad on which he was taken off the road, the source said.

TfL and Transport Commissioner have assured that no ads that breach Pakistan’s sovereignty will be allowed to advertise.

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