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Iran to address Pakistan’s concerns over Indian presence in Chabahar

ISLAMABAD, MAR 29 (DNA) – The head of Iran ‘s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations says Pakistan’s Gwadar port could be connected to Chabahar to complete the Chinese One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR).

Kamal Kharazi who was in Islamabad to participate at a seminar on ‘Pakistan and Regional Security in West Asia-The Role of Iran ‘ organized by Islamabad Policy Institute (IPI) said Chabahar is open to all those countries who wish to be part of the project.

He said although Pakistan is not considered geographically part of West Asia, its close relations with the countries in this region not only has given her an important position among West Asian countries, but the developments in this region have had high impacts on the political, economic and social development of Pakistan, and on the other hand, Pakistan’s policies on the region.

“From another angle, Iran and Pakistan are both two major countries in the Indian Ocean region, and play important and significant roles in the Oman Sea, South Asia and the Indian Ocean. Therefore, Iran-Pakistan relations should be considered from different perspectives,” Kharazi pointed out.

He said since the separation of Pakistan from India, a very close and friendly relation was established between Iran and Pakistan and in fact, until the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the relationship between the two countries was unique.

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