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Supreme Court to hear case regarding NAB official’s degree on November 12

ISLAMABAD, (DNA) – The Supreme Court will hear on November 12 a case regarding an alleged ‘fake degree’ held by Saleem Shahzad the National Accountability Bureau’s (NAB) director general for Lahore.

The matter of Shahzad’s degree was brought up in the apex court last year during the hearing of a suo motu case on alleged illegal appointments within NAB.

The petitioner, journalist Asad Kharal, had claimed that Shahzad’s master’s degree transcript from 2002 is in the Calibri font, which was not commercially available until five years later.

Following an internal probe, the corruption watchdog had deemed Shahzad’s degree genuine and cleared him of any wrongdoing.

The case, however, is still in the apex court, which announced today that a three-member bench under Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar will hear the case on Monday (Nov 12).

The court also issued a notice to petitioner Asad Kharal.

The NAB official, whose recent spree of appearances on talks shows has infuriated former PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and also caught the NAB chairman’s notice, told Khanzada that the reporter who broke the story regarding his degree had already apologised to him upon being proven wrong.

Minutes later on the same show, the reporter rejected Shahzad’s claim and clarified that he stands by his story and has not apologised to the NAB official.

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