Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Joint session of parliament to be held on Monday

ISLAMABAD (DNA):President Dr. Arif ur Rehman Alvi has summoned joint session of both the Houses of Majlis-e-Shoora, (Parliament) on Monday at 4 pm.

According to the Article 54 (1) of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the President may summon either one House or both Houses of the Parliament in joint sitting to meet at such time and place as he thinks fit and may also prorogue the same.

According to constitutional provisions, the President has also to address a joint session of Parliament at the beginning of the first session of the NA after general election as well as the first sitting of the NA every parliamentary year.

The joint session scheduled on Monday will be the first formal session of the NA after election and swearing-in of the new Prime Minister, Speaker and the Deputy Speaker. Earlier, the session was scheduled on September 13 but it was postponed to meet again on September 17 due to death of Kulsoom Nawaz.

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