Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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CJP warns Dar of suspending passport for skipping hearings

ISLAMABAD, (DNA) – Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar on Monday has warned former finance minister Ishaq Dar of suspending his passport over persistent absence in assets beyond income reference.

During the hearing of case related to managing director of Pakistan Television Corporation, CJP said that Ishaq Dar is not taking the judicial proceedings seriously as he has not bothering to appear in the court.

Ishaq Dar, 67, was indicted in October in a graft case in which he is accused of making assets that were “disproportionate to his known sources of income”.

The case was filed against him by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in the light of the Supreme Court order of July 28 that disqualified Nawaz Sharif as prime minister in the Panama Papers scandal.

In its case against Dar, the NAB has alleged that the accused has acquired assets and pecuniary interests/resources in his own name and/or in the name of his dependants of an approximate amount of Rs 831.678 million.

Dar is in London since October and has been seeking treatment of an undefined heart complication at a Harley Street hospital.

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