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EU keen to broaden engagement, strengthen cooperation with Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, NOV 08 (DNA) – Acknowledging that Pakistan-EU relationship was multi-dimensional, the European Union on Wednesday expressed keen desire to further broaden engagement and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation. During the fourth session of Pakistan-EU Political Dialogue held here, interest was also expressed by the EU side to assist Pakistan through capacity building in carrying out socio-economic reforms. Pakistandelegation was led by Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua, while the EU side was headed by Jean-Christophe Belliard, Deputy Secretary General, European External Action Service, a Foreign Officestatement issued here said.

The two sides carried out in-depth review of the current status of their relations and discussed ways and means to upgrade the existing level of cooperation. Progress on adoption of Strategic Engagement Plan, which was aimed at raising the level of relationship and broadening engagement, was also reviewed. The Foreign Secretary acknowledged EU’s support to Pakistanon GSP-Plus’Scheme as well as various Pakistani institutions working in the spheres of strengthening of democracy, governance, rule of law, energy, trade and investment, human rights and migration.

The issue of support for legal migration from Pakistan and visa facilitation for bonafide citizens, including temporary workers, was raised with the EU side. The EU delegation was briefed on Pakistan-India relations, including gross human rights violation in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Afghan peace process, Pakistan’s role at SAARC, ASEM and ECO as well as connectivity with Central Asia. Views on other regional and international issues were also exchanged.

The EU side recognized Pakistan’s achievements in peace and security, contribution in the fight against terrorism and curbing of illegal migration. Pakistan and EU hold regular dialogues at various levels. The Political Dialogue provided a useful opportunity to take stock of overall relations, understand each other’s views on regional and international issues and discuss different options to further enhance cooperation in diverse spheres. The next Pakistan-EU Political Dialogue would be held in Brussels in 2018 at mutually convenient dates.

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