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COAS says terrorism to be totally eliminated in 2016

General Raheel addressing US CENTCOM

GWADAR, 01 JAN, (DNA) – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif on Friday said that 2016 will be a year of national unity and peace.

The Army Chief gave these remarks during meeting with Baloch elders in Gwadar.

General Raheel Sharif expressed hope that nexus of terrorism, crime and corruption will be completely eliminated this year.

“By God willing, more progress will be achieved in 2016 with support of the nation,” he added.

He said that armed forces will not hesitate in rendering any sacrifice for country’s peace.

Earlier today, General Raheel Sharif approved death sentences of nine hardcore terrorists.

The death row inmates were involved in attacks on Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Headquarters in Multan, Parade Lane and offices of the law enforcers.

Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) stated that militants who have been sentenced to death are Muhammad Ghauri, Abdul Qayyum, Muhammad Imran, Aqsan Mehmood, Abdul Rauf Gujjar, Muhammad Hashim, Salman, Shafqat Farooqi and Muhammad Farhan.

Militants had martyred as many as 37 namazis during Friday prayers in 2009 in Parade Lane mosque. The martyrs included Major General Umer Bilal.

Insurgents had later attacked Multan headquarters of the ISI on December 8 2009. The attack had claimed ten lives while dozens were injured.

Banned outfits’ operatives were tried by military courts which were established unanimously by the Parliament after attack on Army Public School (APS) Peshawar in December 2014.

Muhammad Ghauri and Muhammad Imran belonged to Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Abdul Qayyum worked for Harkat ul Jehad-e-Islam while five others were affiliated with Sepah-e-Sahaba.

Muhammad Ghauri was tried on eight charges while the rest on four charges.

Earlier on December 29, four militants were hanged in the northwestern garrison town of Kohat for assisting in suicide attacks and bombings. All four were sentenced by military court in April 2015.

On December 2, terrorists involved in attack on the army-run school in Peshawar were hanged.

The attack had claimed as many as 130 innocent lives.

It was following the attack on students that Pakistan lifted six-year moratorium on death penalty. According to statistics, Pakistan has executed at least 300 convicts in less than a year.

More than 8,000 convicts are yet to be hanged while hundreds of them have exhausted appeals process. =DNA


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